pp`@0?wpV V1qp`P1Bp`1<sppp`1pp`2+jppU3RppP3 jppU6ߧp``U7=pPUP7Ap7<4~p7.ߧp`U7=pTP7Ap7<~p74{p7+ipPT9Gpp8?wpPTpT;qpP;BpPT`;tp;<spp;lp <Mp 0`<Npp0<?wpSS>qpP>Bp``>Bp`>< bp``Sp >GipPSp?Hop=pp?vp<*p <HjpRCpC|ipRF4~pF.jp`RFR[pF{~pF4{p@ F+jpQ HRppHVpQ8IppPIBpQ`ItpI<sppI jpPQKlpLMp `LNpp LipP@Ms4~p@@M.vkpPPMQipP`M~p`@M4{p@`M+tpNvp@O*vpL*pLpS{{pS+mp0@T.lp@T4{p`T+_rpUZ|pOUs{pU+rpUQ8}pNUQ-pUvp@U*9pUppUvp@T*_rpWZ|pMWs{pW+rp WQ8}p M0WQ-p0@Wvp@W*9p@Wpp@WVpMHYppPYBpL`YtppYBpY<vpS*VppLXZppPZBpPL`ZtppZ<}pp LZ{p Z+VpKh[ppP[BpK`[t\hpK`[}pK[pp[tp[<vp Z*ߧpp@Kx]=pP]up`]up]<spp]p^{{p@^+VppJ_ppP_BpPJ`_t\hp@J`_}p0J_{p_}pJ _p p_tp_< jp Ie 'has-background' => true, 'has-$slug-background-color' => 'color', ), ), 'gradient' => array( 'property_keys' => array( 'default' => 'background', ), 'path' => array( 'color', 'gradient' ), 'css_vars' => array( 'gradient' => '--wp--preset--gradient--$slug', ), 'classnames' => array( 'has-background' => true, 'has-$slug-gradient-background' => 'gradient', ), ), ), 'border' => array( 'color' => array( 'property_keys' => array( 'default' => 'border-color', 'individual' => 'border-%s-color', ), 'path' => array( 'border', 'color' ), 'classnames' => array( 'has-border-color' => true, 'has-$slug-border-color' => 'color', ), ), 'radius' => array( 'property_keys' => array( 'default' => 'border-radius', 'individual' => 'border-%s-radius', ), 'path' => array( 'border', 'radius' ), ), 'style' => array( 'property_keys' => array( 'default' => 'border-style', 'individual' => 'border-%s-style', ), 'path' => array( 'border', 'style' ), ), 'width' => array( 'property_keys' => array( 'default' => 'border-width', 'individual' => 'border-%s-width', ), 'path' => array( 'border', 'width' ), ), 'top' => array( 'value_func' => array( self::class, 'get_individual_property_css_declarations' ), 'path' => array( 'border', 'top' ), 'css_vars' => array( 'color' => '--wp--preset--color--$slug', ), ), 'right' => array( 'value_func' => array( self::class, 'get_individual_property_css_declarations' ), 'path' => array( 'border', 'right' ), 'css_vars' => array( 'color' => '--wp--preset--color--$slug', ), ), 'bottom' => array( 'value_func' => array( self::class, 'get_individual_property_css_declarations' ), 'path' => array( 'border', 'bottom' ), 'css_vars' => array( 'color' => '--wp--preset--color--$slug', ), ), 'left' => array( 'value_func' => array( self::class, 'get_individual_property_css_declarations' ), 'path' => array( 'border', 'left' ), 'css_vars' => array( 'color' => '--wp--preset--color--$slug', ), ), ), 'shadow' => array( 'shadow' => array( 'property_keys' => array( 'default' => 'box-shadow', ), 'path' => array( 'shadow' ), 'css_vars' => array( 'shadow' => '--wp--preset--shadow--$slug', ), ), ), 'dimensions' => array( 'aspectRatio' => array( 'property_keys' => array( 'default' => 'aspect-ratio', ), 'path' => array( 'dimensions', 'aspectRatio' ), 'classnames' => array( 'has-aspect-ratio' => true, ), ), 'minHeight' => array( 'property_keys' => array( 'default' => 'min-height', ), 'path' => array( 'dimensions', 'minHeight' ), 'css_vars' => array( 'spacing' => '--wp--preset--spacing--$slug', ), ), ), 'spacing' => array( 'padding' => array( 'property_keys' => array( 'default' => 'padding', 'individual' => 'padding-%s', ), 'path' => array( 'spacing', 'padding' ), 'css_vars' => array( 'spacing' => '--wp--preset--spacing--$slug', ), ), 'margin' => array( 'property_keys' => array( 'default' => 'margin', 'individual' => 'margin-%s', ), 'path' => array( 'spacing', 'margin' ), 'css_vars' => array( 'spacing' => '--wp--preset--spacing--$slug', ), ), ), 'typography' => array( 'fontSize' => array( 'property_keys' => array( 'default' => 'font-size', ), 'path' => array( 'typography', 'fontSize' ), 'css_vars' => array( 'font-size' => '--wp--preset--font-size--$slug', ), 'classnames' => array( 'has-$slug-font-size' => 'font-size', ), ), 'fontFamily' => array( 'property_keys' => array( 'default' => 'font-family', ), 'css_vars' => array( 'font-family' => '--wp--preset--font-family--$slug', ), 'path' => array( 'typography', 'fontFamily' ), 'classnames' => array( 'has-$slug-font-family' => 'font-family', ), ), 'fontStyle' => array( 'property_keys' => array( 'default' => 'font-style', ), 'path' => array( 'typography', 'fontStyle' ), ), 'fontWeight' => array( 'property_keys' => array( 'default' => 'font-weight', ), 'path' => array( 'typography', 'fontWeight' ), ), 'lineHeight' => array( 'property_keys' => array( 'default' => 'line-height', ), 'path' => array( 'typography', 'lineHeight' ), ), 'textColumns' => array( 'property_keys' => array( 'default' => 'column-count', ), 'path' => array( 'typography', 'textColumns' ), ), 'textDecoration' => array( 'property_keys' => array( 'default' => 'text-decoration', ), 'path' => array( 'typography', 'textDecoration' ), ), 'textTransform' => array( 'property_keys' => array( 'default' => 'text-transform', ), 'path' => array( 'typography', 'textTransform' ), ), 'letterSpacing' => array( 'property_keys' => array( 'default' => 'letter-spacing', ), 'path' => array( 'typography', 'letterSpacing' ), ), ), ); /** * Util: Extracts the slug in kebab case from a preset string, * e.g. `heavenly-blue` from `var:preset|color|heavenlyBlue`. * * @since 6.1.0 * * @param string $style_value A single CSS preset value. * @param string $property_key The CSS property that is the second element of the preset string. * Used for matching. * @return string The slug, or empty string if not found. */ protected static function get_slug_from_preset_value( $style_value, $property_key ) { if ( is_string( $style_value ) && is_string( $property_key ) && str_contains( $style_value, "var:preset|{$property_key}|" ) ) { $index_to_splice = strrpos( $style_value, '|' ) + 1; return _wp_to_kebab_case( substr( $style_value, $index_to_splice ) ); } return ''; } /** * Util: Generates a CSS var string, e.g. `var(--wp--preset--color--background)` * from a preset string such as `var:preset|space|50`. * * @since 6.1.0 * * @param string $style_value A single CSS preset value. * @param string[] $css_vars An associate array of CSS var patterns * used to generate the var string. * @return string The CSS var, or an empty string if no match for slug found. */ protected static function get_css_var_value( $style_value, $css_vars ) { foreach ( $css_vars as $property_key => $css_var_pattern ) { $slug = static::get_slug_from_preset_value( $style_value, $property_key ); if ( static::is_valid_style_value( $slug ) ) { $var = strtr( $css_var_pattern, array( '$slug' => $slug ) ); return "var($var)"; } } return ''; } /** * Util: Checks whether an incoming block style value is valid. * * @since 6.1.0 * * @param string $style_value A single CSS preset value. * @return bool */ protected static function is_valid_style_value( $style_value ) { return '0' === $style_value || ! empty( $style_value ); } /** * Stores a CSS rule using the provided CSS selector and CSS declarations. * * @since 6.1.0 * * @param string $store_name A valid store key. * @param string $css_selector When a selector is passed, the function will return * a full CSS rule `$selector { ...rules }` * otherwise a concatenated string of properties and values. * @param string[] $css_declarations An associative array of CSS definitions, * e.g. `array( "$property" => "$value", "$property" => "$value" )`. */ public static function store_css_rule( $store_name, $css_selector, $css_declarations ) { if ( empty( $store_name ) || empty( $css_selector ) || empty( $css_declarations ) ) { return; } static::get_store( $store_name )->add_rule( $css_selector )->add_declarations( $css_declarations ); } /** * Returns a store by store key. * * @since 6.1.0 * * @param string $store_name A store key. * @return WP_Style_Engine_CSS_Rules_Store|null */ public static function get_store( $store_name ) { return WP_Style_Engine_CSS_Rules_Store::get_store( $store_name ); } /** * Returns classnames and CSS based on the values in a styles object. * * Return values are parsed based on the instructions in BLOCK_STYLE_DEFINITIONS_METADATA. * * @since 6.1.0 * * @param array $block_styles The style object. * @param array $options { * Optional. An array of options. Default empty array. * * @type bool $convert_vars_to_classnames Whether to skip converting incoming CSS var patterns, * e.g. `var:preset||`, * to `var( --wp--preset--* )` values. Default false. * @type string $selector Optional. When a selector is passed, * the value of `$css` in the return value will comprise * a full CSS rule `$selector { ...$css_declarations }`, * otherwise, the value will be a concatenated string * of CSS declarations. * } * @return array { * @type string[] $classnames Array of class names. * @type string[] $declarations An associative array of CSS definitions, * e.g. `array( "$property" => "$value", "$property" => "$value" )`. * } */ public static function parse_block_styles( $block_styles, $options ) { $parsed_styles = array( 'classnames' => array(), 'declarations' => array(), ); if ( empty( $block_styles ) || ! is_array( $block_styles ) ) { return $parsed_styles; } // Collect CSS and classnames. foreach ( static::BLOCK_STYLE_DEFINITIONS_METADATA as $definition_group_key => $definition_group_style ) { if ( empty( $block_styles[ $definition_group_key ] ) ) { continue; } foreach ( $definition_group_style as $style_definition ) { $style_value = _wp_array_get( $block_styles, $style_definition['path'], null ); if ( ! static::is_valid_style_value( $style_value ) ) { continue; } $parsed_styles['classnames'] = array_merge( $parsed_styles['classnames'], static::get_classnames( $style_value, $style_definition ) ); $parsed_styles['declarations'] = array_merge( $parsed_styles['declarations'], static::get_css_declarations( $style_value, $style_definition, $options ) ); } } return $parsed_styles; } /** * Returns classnames, and generates classname(s) from a CSS preset property pattern, * e.g. `var:preset||`. * * @since 6.1.0 * * @param string $style_value A single raw style value or CSS preset property * from the `$block_styles` array. * @param array $style_definition A single style definition from BLOCK_STYLE_DEFINITIONS_METADATA. * @return string[] An array of CSS classnames, or empty array if there are none. */ protected static function get_classnames( $style_value, $style_definition ) { if ( empty( $style_value ) ) { return array(); } $classnames = array(); if ( ! empty( $style_definition['classnames'] ) ) { foreach ( $style_definition['classnames'] as $classname => $property_key ) { if ( true === $property_key ) { $classnames[] = $classname; } $slug = static::get_slug_from_preset_value( $style_value, $property_key ); if ( $slug ) { /* * Right now we expect a classname pattern to be stored in BLOCK_STYLE_DEFINITIONS_METADATA. * One day, if there are no stored schemata, we could allow custom patterns or * generate classnames based on other properties * such as a path or a value or a prefix passed in options. */ $classnames[] = strtr( $classname, array( '$slug' => $slug ) ); } } } return $classnames; } /** * Returns an array of CSS declarations based on valid block style values. * * @since 6.1.0 * * @param mixed $style_value A single raw style value from $block_styles array. * @param array $style_definition A single style definition from BLOCK_STYLE_DEFINITIONS_METADATA. * @param array $options { * Optional. An array of options. Default empty array. * * @type bool $convert_vars_to_classnames Whether to skip converting incoming CSS var patterns, * e.g. `var:preset||`, * to `var( --wp--preset--* )` values. Default false. * } * @return string[] An associative array of CSS definitions, e.g. `array( "$property" => "$value", "$property" => "$value" )`. */ protected static function get_css_declarations( $style_value, $style_definition, $options = array() ) { if ( isset( $style_definition['value_func'] ) && is_callable( $style_definition['value_func'] ) ) { return call_user_func( $style_definition['value_func'], $style_value, $style_definition, $options ); } $css_declarations = array(); $style_property_keys = $style_definition['property_keys']; $should_skip_css_vars = isset( $options['convert_vars_to_classnames'] ) && true === $options['convert_vars_to_classnames']; /* * Build CSS var values from `var:preset||` values, e.g, `var(--wp--css--rule-slug )`. * Check if the value is a CSS preset and there's a corresponding css_var pattern in the style definition. */ if ( is_string( $style_value ) && str_contains( $style_value, 'var:' ) ) { if ( ! $should_skip_css_vars && ! empty( $style_definition['css_vars'] ) ) { $css_var = static::get_css_var_value( $style_value, $style_definition['css_vars'] ); if ( static::is_valid_style_value( $css_var ) ) { $css_declarations[ $style_property_keys['default'] ] = $css_var; } } return $css_declarations; } /* * Default rule builder. * If the input contains an array, assume box model-like properties * for styles such as margins and padding. */ if ( is_array( $style_value ) ) { // Bail out early if the `'individual'` property is not defined. if ( ! isset( $style_property_keys['individual'] ) ) { return $css_declarations; } foreach ( $style_value as $key => $value ) { if ( is_string( $value ) && str_contains( $value, 'var:' ) && ! $should_skip_css_vars && ! empty( $style_definition['css_vars'] ) ) { $value = static::get_css_var_value( $value, $style_definition['css_vars'] ); } $individual_property = sprintf( $style_property_keys['individual'], _wp_to_kebab_case( $key ) ); if ( $individual_property && static::is_valid_style_value( $value ) ) { $css_declarations[ $individual_property ] = $value; } } return $css_declarations; } $css_declarations[ $style_property_keys['default'] ] = $style_value; return $css_declarations; } /** * Style value parser that returns a CSS definition array comprising style properties * that have keys representing individual style properties, otherwise known as longhand CSS properties. * * Example: * * "$style_property-$individual_feature: $value;" * * Which could represent the following: * * "border-{top|right|bottom|left}-{color|width|style}: {value};" * * or: * * "border-image-{outset|source|width|repeat|slice}: {value};" * * @since 6.1.0 * * @param array $style_value A single raw style value from `$block_styles` array. * @param array $individual_property_definition A single style definition from BLOCK_STYLE_DEFINITIONS_METADATA * representing an individual property of a CSS property, * e.g. 'top' in 'border-top'. * @param array $options { * Optional. An array of options. Default empty array. * * @type bool $convert_vars_to_classnames Whether to skip converting incoming CSS var patterns, * e.g. `var:preset||`, * to `var( --wp--preset--* )` values. Default false. * } * @return string[] An associative array of CSS definitions, e.g. `array( "$property" => "$value", "$property" => "$value" )`. */ protected static function get_individual_property_css_declarations( $style_value, $individual_property_definition, $options = array() ) { if ( ! is_array( $style_value ) || empty( $style_value ) || empty( $individual_property_definition['path'] ) ) { return array(); } /* * The first item in $individual_property_definition['path'] array * tells us the style property, e.g. "border". We use this to get a corresponding * CSS style definition such as "color" or "width" from the same group. * * The second item in $individual_property_definition['path'] array * refers to the individual property marker, e.g. "top". */ $definition_group_key = $individual_property_definition['path'][0]; $individual_property_key = $individual_property_definition['path'][1]; $should_skip_css_vars = isset( $options['convert_vars_to_classnames'] ) && true === $options['convert_vars_to_classnames']; $css_declarations = array(); foreach ( $style_value as $css_property => $value ) { if ( empty( $value ) ) { continue; } // Build a path to the individual rules in definitions. $style_definition_path = array( $definition_group_key, $css_property ); $style_definition = _wp_array_get( static::BLOCK_STYLE_DEFINITIONS_METADATA, $style_definition_path, null ); if ( $style_definition && isset( $style_definition['property_keys']['individual'] ) ) { // Set a CSS var if there is a valid preset value. if ( is_string( $value ) && str_contains( $value, 'var:' ) && ! $should_skip_css_vars && ! empty( $individual_property_definition['css_vars'] ) ) { $value = static::get_css_var_value( $value, $individual_property_definition['css_vars'] ); } $individual_css_property = sprintf( $style_definition['property_keys']['individual'], $individual_property_key ); $css_declarations[ $individual_css_property ] = $value; } } return $css_declarations; } /** * Style value parser that constructs a CSS definition array comprising a single CSS property and value. * If the provided value is an array containing a `url` property, the function will return a CSS definition array * with a single property and value, with `url` escaped and injected into a CSS `url()` function, * e.g., array( 'background-image' => "url( '...' )" ). * * @since 6.4.0 * * @param array $style_value A single raw style value from $block_styles array. * @param array $style_definition A single style definition from BLOCK_STYLE_DEFINITIONS_METADATA. * @return string[] An associative array of CSS definitions, e.g., array( "$property" => "$value", "$property" => "$value" ). */ protected static function get_url_or_value_css_declaration( $style_value, $style_definition ) { if ( empty( $style_value ) ) { return array(); } $css_declarations = array(); if ( isset( $style_definition['property_keys']['default'] ) ) { $value = null; if ( ! empty( $style_value['url'] ) ) { $value = "url('" . $style_value['url'] . "')"; } elseif ( is_string( $style_value ) ) { $value = $style_value; } if ( null !== $value ) { $css_declarations[ $style_definition['property_keys']['default'] ] = $value; } } return $css_declarations; } /** * Returns compiled CSS from CSS declarations. * * @since 6.1.0 * * @param string[] $css_declarations An associative array of CSS definitions, * e.g. `array( "$property" => "$value", "$property" => "$value" )`. * @param string $css_selector When a selector is passed, the function will return * a full CSS rule `$selector { ...rules }`, * otherwise a concatenated string of properties and values. * @return string A compiled CSS string. */ public static function compile_css( $css_declarations, $css_selector ) { if ( empty( $css_declarations ) || ! is_array( $css_declarations ) ) { return ''; } // Return an entire rule if there is a selector. if ( $css_selector ) { $css_rule = new WP_Style_Engine_CSS_Rule( $css_selector, $css_declarations ); return $css_rule->get_css(); } $css_declarations = new WP_Style_Engine_CSS_Declarations( $css_declarations ); return $css_declarations->get_declarations_string(); } /** * Returns a compiled stylesheet from stored CSS rules. * * @since 6.1.0 * * @param WP_Style_Engine_CSS_Rule[] $css_rules An array of WP_Style_Engine_CSS_Rule objects * from a store or otherwise. * @param array $options { * Optional. An array of options. Default empty array. * * @type string|null $context An identifier describing the origin of the style object, * e.g. 'block-supports' or 'global-styles'. Default 'block-supports'. * When set, the style engine will attempt to store the CSS rules. * @type bool $optimize Whether to optimize the CSS output, e.g. combine rules. * Default false. * @type bool $prettify Whether to add new lines and indents to output. * Defaults to whether the `SCRIPT_DEBUG` constant is defined. * } * @return string A compiled stylesheet from stored CSS rules. */ public static function compile_stylesheet_from_css_rules( $css_rules, $options = array() ) { $processor = new WP_Style_Engine_Processor(); $processor->add_rules( $css_rules ); return $processor->get_css( $options ); } } Ciné-adultes : Quai D’Orsay – Institut français du Burundi

Ciné-adultes : Quai D’Orsay

Comédie de Bertrand Tavernier, France, 2013, 1h54.

Alexandre Taillard de Worms est un homme plein de panache qui plaît aux femmes et est accessoirement ministre des Affaires Étrangères du pays des Lumières : la France.
Arthur Vlaminck, un jeune universitaire préparant sa thèse, est embauché au ministère. Il doit écrire les discours du ministre mais encore faut-il apprendre à composer avec la susceptibilité et l’entourage du prince…

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Institut français du Burundi
9 Chaussee Prince Louis Rwagasore, Bujumbura